🥂🍹🍾Here is to growing old by each others' side
through grey hairs , wrinkled face and weak limbs.
A future that starts with God, love in the middle
and ends with God.
Because you have chosen the path of love, the path to live
and forever be in each other's lives
Your joy will be his, his laughter will be yours till the very end
When its the autumn days of your lives.You will
Hold hands , aiding one another up the hills and
valleys of life.
He who comes to this world without finding love is truly a loner
Adebisi you have found your ololufe,two bodies, one soul , one heart
Oreoluwa, I Leave you in the hands of the Almighty who is never flawed
©Adeyinka Zaynab Ideraoluwa
Thursday, 21 November 2019
To the all the boy toddlers, boys going to teenagehood, young Adults, Men who are trying to make an honest earnings despite this crazy world, those who want to end it all but have held to the strings of hope, our brothers whom we share family ties and have been acting as our Assistant daddies, Our Fathers who gave us their all, Our Male Friends who come through for us every single time, our husbands whom we share marital ties and who have been wonderful companions in the journey to forever, our Gateman who is deprived of sleep just to man our houses and offices. the mallam across the street, the one who Hawks in traffic, our drivers who help us around. We see your struggle and we love you. May Al Wakeel the most dependable God be sufficient for all of you.